Real Option Analysis Third Edition

Real Option Analysis Third Edition

Modeling Risk Third Edition

Modeling Risk Third Edition

Advanced Analytical Models Second Edition

Advanced Analytical Models Second Edition

Credit Engineering for Bankers, Second Edition

Credit Engineering for Bankers, Second Edition

The Banker’s Handbook on Credit Risk

The Banker’s Handbook on Credit Risk

Readings in Certified Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM)

Readings in Certified Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM)

Case Studies in Certified Quantitative Risk Manage

Case Studies in Certified Quantitative Risk Manage

Risk Simulator User Manual

Risk Simulator User Manual

Project Economics Analysis Tool (PEAT)

Project Economics Analysis Tool (PEAT)

Real Options SLS User Manual

Real Options SLS User Manual

Modeling Risk

Modeling Risk

Real Options Analysis, 2nd Edition

Real Options Analysis, 2nd Edition

Advance Analytical Model

Advance Analytical Model

Valuing Employee Stock Options

Valuing Employee Stock Options

Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Stochastic Forecasting, and Optimization

Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Stochastic Forecasting, and Optimization

Applied Risk

Applied Risk

Real Options Analysis Course

Real Options Analysis Course

Real Options Analysis: Tools and Techniques for Valuing Strategic Investments & Decisions

Real Options Analysis: Tools and Techniques for Valuing Strategic Investments & Decisions

Modelación de Riesgos (Tercera Edición)

Modelación de Riesgos (Tercera Edición)

Faith Journey

Faith Journey

Risk Simulator (Simulador de Riesgo)

Risk Simulator (Simulador de Riesgo)

Managing Your Finances God’s Way

Managing Your Finances God’s Way

Súper Enrejado Solucionador de Real Options

Súper Enrejado Solucionador de Real Options

What Is So Real About Real Options, and Why Are They Optional?

What Is So Real About Real Options, and Why Are They Optional?


Our founder and CEO is a world-renowned expert in the fields of real options analysis, options valuation, and simulation applications, and has written numerous articles and books on those and related subjects. Following is a sampling of his books that are pertinent to the software, consulting, training, and services provided by Real Options Valuation, Inc.

Real Options Analysis: Tools and Techniques, Primeira Edição (Wiley 2002)

Real Options Analysis

Real Options Analysis por Dr. Johnathan Mun (Wiley 2002), fornece uma visão abrangente da metodologia de opções reais e explora as ferramentas e técnicas inerentes a este método que lhe permitirá de forma eficiente valorar investimentos e decisões estratégicas. Ele examina os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos de opções reais, os métodos utilizados na avaliação de opções reais, por que e quando eles são usados​​, bem como a aplicabilidade destes métodos na tomada de decisão. O especialista da Real options, Johnathan Mun vai ajudá-lo a entender e implementar as análises de opções reais sobre uma variedade de circunstâncias e sobre em uma ampla gama de indústrias, desde farmacêutica, petróleo, gás a fabricação e tecnologia. Mun primeiro olha para a natureza qualitativa das opções reais e fornece casos de negócios atuais e cenários de opções reais na indústria, assim como explicações de alto nível de como opções reais fornece insights muito necessários para a tomada de decisão. Logo depois, ele focou na análise quantitativa e revelou o poder da simulação e da análise das opções reais através do CR-ROM que acompanha o livro.

Dos princípios da expansão e das opções de comutação aos problemas de opções avançadas assim como valorizando as opções de temporização calculados com otimização estocástica, Real Options Analysis é um guia completo e acessível para o uso de opções reais no processo de tomada de decisão. Através de consultoria especializada, estudos de caso em profundidade, fórmulas matemáticas, cenários do mundo real, software de opções reais e perguntas no final de cada capítulo, Real Options Analysis fornece sérios insights para a compreensão e aplicação de opções reais na avaliação de investimentos e decisões estratégicas.

“This book is a must-have and must-read . . . Mun’s new book is a refreshing, cutting-edge look at a powerful new decision-making process . . . it isn’t often you can truthfully say a book breaks new ground, but [this book] has certainly done that.”

-Glenn G. Kautt, President, Monitor Group, Inc. (USA)

“Many books on real options can be intimidating. Mun offers a pragmatic, reliable, and entertaining guide. Complex concepts and formulas are brilliantly interspersed with well-chosen examples and step-by-step walk-throughs from a variety of industries.”

-Shota Hattori, President and CEO, Kozo Keikaku Engineering, Inc. (Japan)

“The clarity and comprehensive coverage makes it one of the best guides for all practitioners . . . coupled with state-of-the-art financial tools on CD-ROM.”

-Michael Sim, Partner, Moores Rowland International (Hong Kong)

“Mun certainly has earned the reputation of being an expert on the subject . . . consultants, analysts, decision-makers and engineers will be all over this book and its software.”

-Phyllis Koessler, Managing Director, Koessler and Associates (Switzerland)

“Finally, a real options analysis book that is technically sophisticated enough to be useful, and practically written so that it can actually be used. It is destined to become the handbook of real options.”

-A. Tracy Gomes, President, Intellectual Property Economics, LLC (USA)