Benutzerhandbücher: Englisch Chinesisch Spanisch Japanisch Italienisch Französisch Deutsch Portugiesisch Russisch (demnächst verfügbar!)
ROV Bedientafel: Kurzeinstiegsvideo (demnächst verfügbar)
- Create a professional looking set of reports, charts and tables that are highly intuitive, and protected by login and password encryption
- Create a truly paperless environment by logging in from anywhere in the world to view your reports that are constantly and automatically updated
- Comes in multiple languages including English, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, French, German and Russian
- Fully compatible with ROV Risk Modeler
- Separation of duties and control with Administrators and Regular Users
- Charts and tables are highly interactive, including the ability to pivot data tables and change the chart types from a list of over 25 charts
- Create the settings for all the reports and source data one time and you can leave it alone as new data and results will automatically populate the reports